Task Three: Advertising and Me

The advertisement to the right is selling Skins athletic wear.
This advertisement uses scale as the clothing shown are small sketches in the bottom right corner. The clothing is much smaller than the model and the consumer is not sure if the model is wearing the brand of clothing the ad is displaying. Omission is another technique used. Such an advertisement fails to explain how the clothing works similarly to steroids. Facts are provided without evidence or scientific support. It is also obviously not stated if other clothing will give the consumer similar results. Since the ad does not mention that a new technology is being used to give athletes improved results while wearing these clothes, it is questionable if such apparel will actually assist one.

Such an ad is important to my personal experience as I exercise and am always looking for methods in which I can get better results with the limited time I am able to exercise. I have heard of horrible stories in which people have used steroids and the consequences that resulted from the use. If this ad does provide equivalent or similar results, it would assist athletes in staying healthy while deterring people from using drugs. The image the ad displays is both disturbing and effective in reminding society that drugs are never the best method to achieve a muscular frame. Hopefully, aspiring athletes will view this ad and remember it is not worth the having a medal taken away for use of steroids. People will be much more proud of their athletic abilities if these abilities are developed naturally.



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