The Proposal, released June 19th 2009, is a romantic comedy directed by Anne Fletcher starring Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds. Its executive producers include Roberto Orci, Alex Kurtzman, Mary McLaglen, and even Sandra Bullock. This film begins with book editor Margaret (Sandra Bullock) and Andrew (Ryan Reynolds), her assistant, disliking each other. Everyone in the office fears their condescending boss. When Margaret learns that she will be deported to Canada, she promptly announces that she is engaged to Andrew in order to stay in the United States. Margaret flies to Alaska to meet Andrew’s family for the weekend, and during many laughs, they fall in love.
This movie made me laugh throughout the entire one hundred eight minutes it played. Although it is slightly predictable, the dialogue is very witty and the story is far from typical. Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds created a credible chemistry on-screen that is exciting to witness. Such a movie has surprised me as I had not expected it to be so excellent. Its message regarding to give people chances is significant as one should never dismiss another because they believe they are above he/she. The film reminds its audience that most things occur for a reason and that even if something appears negative at first, it may astonish one at how it develops.
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